Rich Variety
High Potency

Home > Products > WecStrain Strains > Streptococcaceae

  • Available in    Single strain
  • Premix powder
StrainPotency (CFU/g)
StrainPotency (CFU/g)
Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilusST36300B
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactisLLa61300B
Lactococcus cremorisLLC4650B
Overview of lmportant Characteristics of Streptococcaceae

The Streptococcaceae family comprises Gram-positive, non-motile bacteria that are primarily spherical or ovoid in shape.

Key Characteristics:

Gram-Positive: Streptococcaceae bacteria have a thick peptidoglycan laver in their cell walls, which retains the crystal violet dve used in Gram staining.

Non-Motile: These bacteria lack flagella and cannot move independently.

Cocci Shape: They are typically spherical or ovoid and often form chains or pairs.

Facultative Anaerobes: Many species can grow in both the presence and absence of oxygen, though some are strictly anaerobic.

The Streptococcaceae family includes both commensal and pathogenic genera, such as Streptococcus and Enterococcus. Their roles in human health, disease, and their ecological niches underscore their significance in medical research and clinical practice.

Specialization Advantages
  • 35,000+ Strain Resources
  • GRAS certified
  • Allergen free
  • SCI / Patent supported
  • High survivability
  • Non-GMO certified
  • Clinically studied
  • High colonisation
  • Distinct function research
Industrialization Advantages
  • High potency
  • Low water activity
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • High stability
  • Fast delivery
  • cGMP standard
  • Excellent batch stability
  • Stable supply chain
  • Advanced equipment
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Food
  • Dairy
  • Precision Medicine
  • Personal Care
  • Feed Additive/Pet
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