Rich Variety
High Potency

Home > Products > WecStrain Strains > Bifidobacteriaceae

  • Available in    Single strain
  • Premix powder
StrainPotency (CFU/g)
StrainPotency (CFU/g)
Bifdobacteriumanimalis subsp. lactisBLa36600B
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalisBA12600B
Bifidobacterium breveBBr60500B
Bifidobacterium adolescentisBAC30100B
Bifidobacterium lonqum subsp. longumBL11300B
Bifidobacterium lonaum subsp, infantisB103100B
Bifidobacterium bifidumBBi32300B
Overview of lmportant Characteristics of Bifidobacteriaceae

The genus Bifidobacteriaceae consists of Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria with a characteristic bifid (branching) appearance at their ends, which is why they are named "Bifidobacteriaceae." These bacteria are strict anaerobes and are widely found in the digestive tracts, vaginas, and oral cavities of humans and animals. The colony morphology, appearance, and size of Bifidobacteriaceae can vary depending on the strain characteristics and nutritional conditions. Bifidobacteriaceae species are crucial members of the gut microbiota and play a key role in maintaining gut heath and overall well-being. As probiotics, they not only support the balance of the qut microbiome but also interact beneficially with the host's immune and digestive systems. These characteristics make Bifidobacteriaceae a focal point in health and nutrition research and applications.

Specialization Advantages
  • 35,000+ Strain Resources
  • GRAS certified
  • Allergen free
  • SCI / Patent supported
  • High survivability
  • Non-GMO certified
  • Clinically studied
  • High colonisation
  • Distinct function research
Industrialization Advantages
  • High potency
  • Low water activity
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • High stability
  • Fast delivery
  • cGMP standard
  • Excellent batch stability
  • Stable supply chain
  • Advanced equipment
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Food
  • Dairy
  • Precision Medicine
  • Personal Care
  • Feed Additive/Pet
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